We, at Premier MBP Ltd (www.premiermbp.com) treat the privacy of our visitors with the highest importance. This policy details the measures we take to preserving and safely guarding your privacy when you visit or communicate with our site or personnel.
A detailed explanation of how we may store or otherwise use personal information about you is explained in this Privacy Policy.
1. Information Collection
Operation of this site may require collection and processing of the following data:
1.1 Visit details to our site.
1.2 Information given to us when you contact us for any reason.
1.3 Data offered by filled out forms on our site, like a registration or purchase.
2. Your Information and how it is used
Primarily, we collect and store data about you to help us provide better service and products to you. The following are purposes we may use your information for:
2.1 At anytime you request information from us via a form or other electronic transmission we may use your information to fulfill that request relating to our services and products. We may also communicate with you on other products or services you may find of interest, only when consent has been provided.
2.2 Contracts we make with you create a commitment, which may require contact or use of your information.
2.3 We have the right to notify you of changes to our website, products or services that could affect our service to you.
2.4 Information on products or services similar to those of an existing consumer purchase may be communicated to you. The information sent to you in a communication will be similar to the subject of a recent sale.
3. Third Parties
3.1 We do not share customer details with any 3rd parties.
4. Accessing Information
The Data Protection Act 1998 provides you with the right to access the information that we collect about you. Please note any demand for access may be subject to a fee of £10 which covers our costs in providing you with the data requested. The contact information below needs to be used to request access about details we collect and store on you.
5. Contacting Us
We welcome any queries, requests you may have regarding this Privacy Policy, or comments. Please do not hesitate and feel free to contact us.

Premier MBP Ltd,
Daytona Drive,
Colthrop Lane,
RG19 4ZD
©2018 Premier MBP Ltd. All rights reserved. Site by Fusion Graphics